Change to Penalties Regarding the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

When it comes to violations of the labor law posting requirements, it’s not that these mandatory notices aren’t displayed prominently. It’s that they are not displayed at all, says the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). And that’s a problem. Typically the EEOC is alerted to the issue by employees who are aware of the requirements […]

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Avoid Hiring Traps that Lead to Hiring Remorse

Surveys of job seekers — often performed by recruiting firms — reveal a variety of reasons why would-be applicants may decide to bypass your company. Some individuals may complete the application but through that process develop a negative preconception about your business. This is particularly true with younger job seekers. High on the list of […]

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Made in America: The Pursuit of Life, Liberty & Global Opportunities

This election season, Republicans and Democrats don’t seem to agree on much. But 95% of voters — regardless of which U.S. presidential candidate they favor — support American-made products. The vast majority of Americans also favor training programs, trade enforcement, tax incentives and a national strategy to support U.S. manufacturing, according to the Alliance for […]

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