IRS Raises Standard Mileage Rate for Final Half of 2022

The optional business standard mileage rate is used to compute the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business use in lieu of tracking actual costs. This rate is also used as a benchmark by the federal government and many businesses to reimburse their employees for mileage. Beyond the individual tax deduction, employers often use the […]

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2022 Sales Tax Holidays and Exemption Periods

On Friday, Governor Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 7071 which provides more than $1.2 billion of tax relief for Floridians. The bill provides for ten sales tax holidays for a variety of items commonly purchased by Florida families, including fuel, diapers, disaster supplies and, tools. A one-pager on the bill can be found here. The […]

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HSA Amounts Increase Considerably for 2023

The IRS announced the updated amounts Friday in Rev. Proc. 2022-24, as it does each year under Sec. 223(g). The revenue procedure also includes the revised maximum amount that may be made newly available for excepted-benefit health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) under Regs. Sec. 54.9831-1(c)(3)(viii). The increases are in response to our country’s recent spike in inflation, […]

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80/20 Rule for Tipped Employees

On Oct. 29, 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor published a final rule reviving and modifying the 80/20 rule for tipped employees. Note that the 80/20 rule governs the basis on which tipped employees must be paid under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Under the DOL’s final rule, hospitality employers who want to pay […]

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IRS Delays Continue

A processing backlog at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) continues to leave countless taxpayers in the dark about the state of their returns. As of March 4, 2022, the IRS had 7.2 million unprocessed individual returns. This includes 4.2 million unprocessed individual returns, which include tax year 2021 and prior returns with errors and those […]

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Economic Injury Disaster Loan Payment Extension

Since its inception, the COVID–EIDL program, a federal disaster relief loan, has allocated more than $351 billion in relief aid to 3.9 million borrowers, including to the smallest of small businesses from historically underserved, disadvantaged communities. Funds can be used for any normal operating expenses and working capital includeing prepaying commercial dept. In 2021, the SBA lengthened […]

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IRS Provides Guidance on Schedules K-2 and K-3

The IRS has provided further details on additional transition relief for certain domestic partnerships and S corporations preparing the new schedules K-2 and K-3 to further ease the change to these new schedules. Those eligible for the relief will not have to file the new schedules for tax year 2021. The new schedules K-2 and […]

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9 Considerations for Claiming PPP Loan Forgiveness and the ERC Tax Credit

Business owners need to make choices on their 2021 taxes regarding the Paycheck Protection Program and the Employee Retention Credit. Both were enacted to help businesses stay in operation during the lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The PPP provided forgivable loans to businesses, and the ERC was intended to prevent layoffs. When these programs […]

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Tax Reminders

Tax Filing Deadline Date Changed for 2022   In 2022, it will be a federal holiday changing the traditional tax filing deadline, not the COVID-19 pandemic. Emancipation Day falls on Saturday, April 16th, but the holiday is observed in Washington D.C. on Friday, April 15th.  Because April 15th is a federal holiday, the tax filing deadline […]

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IRS Presents Filing Tips for 2022

The IRS is encouraging taxpayers to make sure they’re well-informed about their tax situation as the filing deadline approaches. The key topics include special steps related to charitable contributions, economic impact payments and advance child tax credit payments. Here are some key items for taxpayers to know before they file next year. Changes to the […]

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