IRS postpones tax deadline for eligible Florida storm victims

The Internal Revenue Service recently announced that they have postponed the tax filing deadline date to August 15th, 2023 for eligible storm victims in Florida. They are offering this relief to the designated disaster areas declared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on April 27th, as a result of severe storms, tornadoes and flooding […]

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How To Deal With Employee Taxes

Employers generally must withhold income tax from employees’ wages. To figure out how much tax to withhold, you need to use the employee’s Form W-4, the appropriate method and the appropriate withholding table described in Publication 15-T, Federal Income Tax Withholding Methods. You’ll deposit your withholdings based on your business and the amount you withhold. […]

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Independent Contractor: A New Definition?

Who counts as an employee versus an independent contractor may be about to change. A DOL proposal suggests revamping employee classification, reclassifying workers who are economically dependent on a company as employees entitled to more benefits and legal protections. The DOL has received 12,469 comments on the proposed rule, so the agency may not issue […]

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Key Provisions in SECURE 2.0

In late December while most practitioners and their clients were busy with other things, Congress was passing a giant omnibus budget bill. Buried within it was the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act of 2022 (SECURE 2.0), which contains many retirement (and some other) changes that practitioners and their clients need to […]

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IRS Clarifies Federal Taxes and State Payments

The IRS has recently announced that “in the interest of sound tax administration and other factors,” taxpayers in many states will not need to report various payments on their 2022 tax returns. In short, the IRS has determined it will not challenge the taxability of payments related to general welfare and disaster relief. So what […]

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Payroll Tax Rates and Contribution Limits for 2023

Below are federal payroll tax rates and benefits contribution limits for 2023. Social Security tax In 2023, the Social Security tax rate is 6.2% for employers and employees, unchanged from 2022. The Social Security wage base is $160,200 for employers and employees, increasing from $147,500 in 2022. Self-employed people must pay 12.4% on the first $160,200. Medicare tax In […]

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The Eternal Question: Standard vs. Itemized

With tax time coming, you will need to ask yourself: Do I itemize my deductions or do I accept the standard deduction? In brief, the standard deduction lets you lower your income by a flat rate. It makes the math easy and you don’t have to work your way through piles of records. However, you […]

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